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үнэ karcher ib

Kärcher, IB 15/120

Urządzenie do czyszczenia suchym lodem Karcher IB 15/120. Kod: 1.574-104.0. Stan: Nowy produkt. Urządzenie charakteryzuje się doskonałą skutecznością usuwania zanieczyszczeń (jest skuteczniejsze o ok. 40 % od swojego poprzednika IB 15/80 m.in dzięki nowym dyszom strumieniowym). Ilo ...

үнэ karcher ib 7

Үнэ авах; Karcher IB 7/40 Ice Blaster . Karcher IB 7/40 Classic The Ice Blaster IB 7/40 Classic is a high performance dry ice blaster that impresses in hard daily use with secure and convenient handling easy manoeuvrability and reliable operation All components and technologies of course comply with the highest quality standards .

Karcher IB 10/8 L2P | Karcher Store ECA

Home Products Karcher IB 10/8 L2P. Karcher IB 10/8 L2P. Karcher SKU: 1.574-200.0. Save £-13,090. Tax included Shipping calculated at checkout. ... At the same time, the advantages of the Kärcher dry ice technology are fully retained. The IB 10/8 L2P cleans very gently – also for complex contours such as grooves, ...


De IB 10/8 L2P is 's werelds eerste droogijsstraalapparaat met geïntegreerde droogijsproductie uit vloeibare CO₂. Ideaal voor korte schoonmaakklussen zonder ingewikkelde logistiek. Spontane reinigingswerkzaamheden met …

Kärcher droogijsreiniger IB 10/8 L2P - YouTube

https:// gepatenteerde droogijsreiniger IB 10/8 L2P is een technisch …

Karcher IB 7/40 Adv - Pegaz Centar d.o.o.

KARCHER IB 7/40 Adv. TEHNIČKE KARAKTERISTIKE OPIS PRIPADAJUĆA OPREMA. Napon (v) 220-240 Frekvencija (Hz) 50-60 Priključna snaga (kw) 0.6 Priključak za komprimovani vazduh kandzasta spojnica. Kućište / okvir prohrom. Dužina kabla (m) 7 Pritisak vazduha (bar / MPa) 2-10 / 0.2-1 Zapreminski protok vazduha (m3/min) 0.5-3.5 Nivo zvučnog pritiska dB(A) 99 Kapacitet …



Dry ice machine IB 15/120, Kärcher - Stationary High Pressure …

Dry ice machine IB 15/120, Kärcher. Item code: 1.574-104&KAR GTIN: 4039784638228, C. 26500.00 €. You earn 150 bonus nuts. Order now. ⬤ Factory order. Ask delivery time via chat or klient@stokker. Description.

Dry Ice Blasting Machine I Kärcher IB 10/8 L2P | Karcher Center

Kärcher IB 10/8 L2P. Kärcher IB 15/120. The Kärcher IB 10/8 L2P is the world's first dry ice blaster with integrated dry ice production from liquid CO₂. Perfect for short-term cleaning applications, without complicated logistics of handling dry ice from an external supplier. SKU: 15742000 Category: Dry Ice Cleaning Equipment.

Kärcher IB 10/8 L2P-droogijsreiniger | Cumela

Kärcher zet met de IB 10/8 L2P de allereerste droogijsreiniger met geïntegreerde pelletproductie op de markt. Hiermee kun je altijd en overal droogijsstralen met vers droogijs. Daarmee komt deze manier van reinigen …

Kärcher Trockeneisstrahlgerät IB 15/120 - Unterbodenschutz …

Das Trockeneisstrahlgerät IB 15/120 präsentiert sich leistungsstark, robust und überaus zuverlässig. Auch die cleveren Detaillösungen wie Kofferhalterung, Ei...

Mobiltec Shop | Kärcher …

Der neue KÄRCHER Ice Blaster IB 7/40 Classic überzeugt durch seine Reinigungspower. Es ist strömungstechnisch so optimiert, dass selbst bei geringen Luftdrücken hervorragende Reinigungsergebnisse erzielt werden. …

Karcher IB 7/40 Adv | Karcher Dry Ice Blaster | B&G …

The Karcher Dry Ice Blaster IB 7/40 Advanced is a high pressure ice blasting unit. The machine can be run from a smaller compressed air supply making the machine lighter. The ice blasting machine is a less aggressive way to clean …

Mobiltec Shop | Kärcher …

Der Ice Blaster IB 15/120 ist eines der leistungsstärksten Trockeneisstrahlgeräte am Markt. Es überzeugt durch Robustheit, zuverlässigste Technik und beste Ergebnisse. beim Trockeneisstrahlen. Das Trockeneisstrahlgerät IB 15/120 …

Down Payment Price - Karcher ICE BLASTER IB 7/40 ADVANCED

Down Payment Price - Karcher ICE BLASTER IB 7/40 ADVANCED Lainnya di toko ini Lihat Semua Karcher High Pressure Cleaner HD 5/12 C Rp 13.101.330 Cashback Kab. Bekasi Karcher Professional Store (1) Karcher Hot Water Pressure Cleaner HDS 8/18-4 C Classic Rp 49.242.900 Cashback Kab. Bekasi Karcher Professional Store Disc brush, medium, red, 430 mm

Alfa Busso Engine cleaning Kärcher IB 15/120 - YouTube

Sausais ledus dara brīnumus. Kärcher IB 15/120Vecus nesmukus motorus padara kā jaunus ātri un nesāpīgi

Dry ice blaster IB 7/40 Adv | Kärcher South Africa

Our Ice Blaster IB 7/40 Advanced is characterised by a well-thought-out concept, many clever details, rugged durability and extremely high-grade manufacturing. The latest generation dry ice blaster has been designed to handle hard continuous use and is very well equipped.

Home | IB.NL

IB is een dataleverancier en verkoopt geen artikelen. Heeft u vragen over onze dienstverlening? Aarzel niet om contact met ons op te nemen: IB the data company. Fuutlaan 14J, 5613 AB Eindhoven Tel: 040 - 30 41 42 0 Mail: ln.bi@ ofni Openingstijden: 8:30 - 18:00 ...

KÄRCHER IB 15/120 - SUHI LED - NK&M servis

NK&M d.o.o. Pupelica 64, 43227 Šandrovac BJELOVAR - HRVATSKA VODITELJ PRODAJE: NIKOLA +385 99 805 0804 / +385 43 221 450 / [email protected]


Karchers originele droogijsreiniger, de IB 15/80, is ontwikkeld voor de hoogstaande reiniging en restauratie van heel wat verschillende voorwerpen en oppervlaktes. De nieuwe, lichtere en meer compacte IB 7/40 biedt heel wat …

Karcher IB 15/120 szárazjeges tisztító - Karcheráruház

Az új IB 15/120 szórókészülék még nagyobb teljesítményű mint az. előző modell, és robusztus felépítés, valamint rendkívül megbízható technika jellemzi. Fúvókakészlet-tartó. A szórófejek és a szerszámok a gépen mindig kéznél …

DRY ICE BLASTER IB 7/40 Adv – Karcher Indonesia

Description Our Ice Blaster IB 7/40 Advanced is characterised by a well-thought-out concept, many clever details, rugged durability and extremely high-grade manufacturing. The latest generation dry ice blaster has been designed to handle hard …

Karcher Droogijs Reiniger IB 10/8 L2P - Van der Zee …

Demo-machine beschikbaar! De IB 10/8 L2P is 's werelds eerste droogijsstraalapparaat met geïntegreerde droogijsproductie uit vloeibare CO₂. Ideaal voor korte schoonmaakklussen zonder ingewikkelde logistiek. …

үнэ karcher ib 7

Karcher IB 7/40 Adv . 2020 8 9 Karcher IB 7/40 Adv High pressure dry ice blasting unit Flat jet nozzle Electronic control Oil water separator Tool bag Grease for nozzle threads The Karcher Ice Blaster IB 7/40 Advanced is a high pressure ice blasting unit The machine can be run from a smaller compressed air supply making the machine lighter ...

Kärcher Trockeneisstrahlgerät IB 15/120, 1.574-104.0

Kärcher Trockeneisstrahlgerät IB 15/120, 1.574-104.0, 4039784638228 Das neue Strahlgerät IB 15/120 präsentiert sich leistungsstark, robust und überaus zuverlässig. Auch die cleveren Detaillösungen wie Kofferhalterung, Eisentleerung, Haltebügel und Ablagefächer tragen zum positiven Gesamteindruck bei, erhöhen den Bedienkomfort und steigern den Spass bei der …

Urządzenie sprzątające Karcher IB 15/120 1.574-004.0 - Ceneo.pl

Karcher IB 15/120 1.574-004.0 - Opis i dane produktu. Urządzenie charakteryzuje się doskonałą skutecznością usuwania zanieczyszczeń (jest skuteczniejsze o ok. 40 % od swojego poprzednika IB 15/80 m.in dzięki nowym dyszom strumieniowym). Zoptymalizowany przepływ powietrza gwarantuje delikatny transport pelet, dzięki czemu ich ostre ...

Karcher IB 7/40 - Buy Direct

Karcher IB 7/40. £ 18,960.00. £ 15,800.00 (ex. VAT) Description. The compact IB 7/40 ice blasting machine offers many of the benefits of the larger IB 15/120 machine but can run from a much smaller compressed air supply, therefore …

Mont Clean | KARCHER IB 15/80

KARCHER IB 15/80 Na požiadanie KARCHER IB 7/40 Advanced 1.574-002.0 22092.00 € KARCHER IB 7/40 Classic 1.574-001.0 20724.00 € KARCHER IB 15/120 1.574-104.0 24636.00 € Čistiaca technika Vysokotlakové čističe Bez ohrevu Elektrické 230 V/400 V …

Karcher Pressure Washer: Model G 2300 IB Parts & Repair Help

Karcher Pressure Washer Model G 2300 IB Parts. Karcher Pressure Washer Model G 2300 IB Parts are easily labeled on this page to help you find the correct component for your repair. Filter results by category, title and symptom. You can also view diagrams and manuals, review common problems that may help answer your questions, watch related videos, read insightful articles or …

Dry Ice Cleaning Machine I Kärcher IB 15/120 | Karcher Center

Description. Specifications. The Kärcher IB 15/120 Ice Blaster is powerful, robust and extremely reliable. The intelligent, detailed solutions such as case holder, ice emptying, retaining bracket and storage compartments also contribute to its positive overall impression. This increases operating comfort and make dry ice cleaning more enjoyable.