Хүнд үйлдвэрийн мэдээлэл - Нүүр
2017 оны 05 дугаар сарын 12 өдөр нэмэлт өөрчлөлт орсон. Монгол Улсын Засгийн газрын 2019 оны 5-р сарын 29-ны өдрийн 214 дүгээр тогтоолоор "Хүнд үйлдвэрийн хөгжлийн үндэсний хөтөлбөр" батлагдсан ...
2017 оны 05 дугаар сарын 12 өдөр нэмэлт өөрчлөлт орсон. Монгол Улсын Засгийн газрын 2019 оны 5-р сарын 29-ны өдрийн 214 дүгээр тогтоолоор "Хүнд үйлдвэрийн хөгжлийн үндэсний хөтөлбөр" батлагдсан ...
Нави Мумбаи — часть конурбации Мумбаи. NMMC — одна из богатейших корпораций Азии. Нави Мумбаи — единственный индийский город, вошедший в список „супергородов мира" по версии National Geographic Channel.
The 52-week high/low is the highest and lowest price at which a Jaiprakash Asso stock has traded during that given time period (similar to 1 year) and is considered as a technical indicator. The 52 week high and low of Jaiprakash Asso is ₹13.10 and ₹7.00 as of 19 Jul '22
Үйлдвэрийн нэр. Байршил. Нийт хүчин чадал /жилд/ Хэрэгжиж буй төслүүд "Энержи Ресурс" ХХК-ийн Ухаа худаг нүүрс баяжуулах үйлдвэр Өмнөговь аймгийн Цогт-Цэций сум, Таван толгойн ордын хэсэг, Ухаа худаг нүүрсний уурхай.
India News | Press Trust of India | Tuesday July 17, 2018. Jaiprakash Associates Limited (JAL) has told the Supreme Court that it would deposit Rs 600 crore more to refund the home buyers if it ...
File photo NEW DELHI: Jaiprakash Associates Ltd, the erstwhile promoter of bankrupt-Jaypee Infratech, has said its settlement proposal without any "haircuts" should be considered by the creditors' panel, which is set to take a call on two existing resolution plans for the company this week. Currently, state-owned NBCC and Suraksha group are in the race to …
Монгол улсын хувьд нүүрс нь эрчим хүчний зориулалтын үндсэн ашигт малтмал төдийгүй манай улсын эдийн засгийн хөгжилд уул уурхайн гаралтай экспортын бүтээгдэхүүний гол баялаг болж байна ...
TNN / Mar 29, 2021, 13:40 (IST) Nagpur's Jayant Jaiprakash Duble became the second fastest to swim across the Palk Strait when on Saturday, the 29-year-old swam between Talaimannar in Sri Lanka ...
Company's earnings for a period net of operating costs, taxes, and interest. -5.40B. -226.86%. Net profit margin. Measures how much net income or profit is generated as a …
Setrac Orange се намира в Нави Мумбай, на 4,2 км от стадиона за крикет DY Patil и на 5 км от Utsav Chowk. На цялата територия е осигурен безплатен WiFi.
Jaiprakash Associates Limited (JAL) is a diversified infrastructural industrial conglomerate in India. JAL's business includes six sectors: engineering and …
Jaiprakash Associates Ltd (JPASSOCIAT) - Strategy, SWOT and Corporate Finance Report, is a source of comprehensive company data and information. The report covers the company's structure, operation, SWOT analysis, product and service offerings and corporate actions, providing a 360˚ view of the company Key Highlights Jaiprakash Associates Ltd (Jaypee …
Эрчим хүчний яам эрх бүхий тендерт оролцогчдоос Хөшөөтийн нүүрсний уурхайг түшиглэсэн сайжруулсан шахмал түлшний үйлдвэр байгуулах /Ховд/ -ыг нийлүүлэх тухай цахим тендер ирүүлэхийг урьж ...
От март 1668 г. Бомбай (днес Мумбай) минава под контрола на Великобритания. Името Бомбай е изкривена форма на португалското наименование Bom Bahia ("Добър залив"). През 1995 година градът е официално преименуван на Мумбай в ...
Монгол оронд 80 төрлийн ашигт малтмалын 1170 орд найман мянга гаруй илрэл бүртгэгдсэн байдаг. Үүнд алтны 1619, мөнгөний 227 мянга, зэсийн 36.3 сая, төмрийн хүдрийн 660 сая, цайрын 5.9 сая, нефтийн 250 сая ...
JAIPRAKASH ASSOCIATES LTD. - 532532 - Redemption. BSE India. This is to inform you that the Company is holding 1,00,000 Series A Redeemable Preference Shares of Rs.1,00,000 each (Series A RPS), aggregating Rs.1,000 Crores issued …
Jaiprakash Associates posts Q4 net loss at Rs 78.70cr. PTI Feeds | May 20, 2018 3:06 PM IST. New Delhi, May 20 (PTI) Crisis-hit Jaiprakash Associates Ltd (JAL) has reported a standalone net.
02 Jul 2016Jaiprakash Associates calls board meet on Monday as banks invoke SDR. With the lenders invoking the strategic debt restructuring (SDR) option against debt-laden Japyee Group, its flagship firm Jaiprakash Associates on Saturday said it has convened a meeting of board of directors on Monday to discuss progress of divestment plans and ...
For 2014-15, Jaiprakash Associates reported a net loss of ₹ 1,110 crore, on a total operating income of ₹ 10,854 crore on a stand-alone basis, compared with a net profit of ₹ 414 crore on a ...
The entire 700 MW of Hydro Power added in the 10th five year plan was by Jaypee Group. Jaypee Group is the largest hydropower producer in the private sector with its three operational Hydro Power Plants, that are, 300 MW Baspa-II (Himachal Pradesh), 400 MW Vishnuprayag (Uttarakhand) and 1000 MW Karcham-Wangtoo (Himachal Pradesh).The Group has …
Чулуу бутлуур Бизнес төлөвлөгөө Төслийн санал дээж Нави Мумбай дахь Уулын баяжуулах үйлдвэр 2011 · Боддингтон үйлдвэр нь . болж шохойн чулуу мэтийн . бутлуурын үндсэн . Үнэ авах
Jaiprakash Associates is a smaller company with a market capitalization of ₹5.2b, so it may still be flying under the radar of many …
Нүүрсний давирхайнаас эм, тэсэлгээний бодис, витамин гэх мэт хэдэн арван төрлийн бүдээгдэхүүн гаргаж авах боломжтой. 17. Нүүрсийг коксжуулах • Нүүрсний давирхайнаас 1.
Jaiprakash Associates posts Rs 285 cr loss for Q1 FY19 Mon, Jul 30, 2018 Debt-ridden Jaiprakash Associates Ltd (JAL) today reported a standalone net loss of Rs 285.02 crore for the first quarter of this financial year. Its net profit stood at Rs 764.99 crore in the year-ago period, the company said in a regulatory filing More >
Initially, the Jaypee Group started as civil engineering contractors. Jaiprakash Associates Ltd., the flagship company of the Group, is a leader in Construction of river valley and hydropower projects on turnkey basis for more than 4 decades.Jal has participated in the development of 27% of India's installed hydro power capacity.
Jaiprakash Associates Ltd - Stock News Morningstar%2c Inc. 30-06-2022 Supreme Court asks Jaiprakash Associates Limited to deposit Rs 1,000 crore by June 15
Jaiprakash Associates Ltd. balance sheet, income statement, cash flow, earnings & estimates, ratio and margins. View JPASSOCIAT.IN financial statements in full.
МОНГОЛ УЛСААС АВСТРИ УЛСАД СУУГАА ЭЛЧИН САЙДЫН …- нави мумбай дахь бөөний живх Нигери улсын консулын газар Нигерийн паспортыг шинэчлэх,Банкны мэдээлэл Bank Austria Creditanstalt BLZ.: 12000 EURO-Kontonr.: 50900 755901 IBAN = AT59 1200 0509 0075 5901 BIC = BKAUATWW ...
Jaiprakash Associates' remaining cement businesses in northern and central India are proposed to be demerged into a separate company, and put on the block, added another person involved in the talks. The demerged entity with the cement business will also house about Rs 3,500 to Rs 4,000 crores of debt, which would have to be serviced by the ...
The Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority has restored close to 2,500 acres of land to Jaiprakash Associates Ltd that had been reclaimed by the authority after default by the builder. The land, which also has the Formula One (F1) race track, was allotted to Jaypee Sports International Ltd (JPSI), a subsidiary of Jaypee Group, in 2008.